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I understand that Ralphie’s List is a service controlled by Off-Campus Partners, a third party company, and that CU is not responsible for the company, individuals using Ralphie’s List, nor the contents of any posting. I affirm that I am at least 18 years of age and/or have parental consent to use Ralphie’s List and understand that CU has not conducted a background check on any individual or landlord or otherwise vetted postings. I agree to use Ralphie’s List at my own risk, exercise due diligence in my housing and/or roommate search, and hereby expressly release CU from any resulting harm. I also agree to the Terms of Use for Ralphie's List. I understand that if I do not agree to these terms of use, I should discontinue my use of the site and refrain from using Ralphie's List.
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